For this recording I went under the North Bridge. I put my mics up in the air and pointed them at the bridge. The cars made some interesting sounds as they passed over the bridge. It was interesting to hear them from below. Also there is a open field next to the bridge. You can faintly hear a cricket chirping.
I was sitting on a picnic table around North and Humboldt and these two guys were trying to jump a truck. I felt very lucky to come across these sounds. How often do you come across an engine reeving up, especially when your foot is not on the gas pedal. At first I was afraid that the this sound would be short lived. I figured this guy is just going to turn on his car and let it idle for a few seconds then drive off. As it turns out he kept reeving his engine way longer than what I needed. I had to cut out a lot to make the limit.
For this recording I stood right outside a grocery store door on Humboldt. There is some unwanted background noise because of the busy road. Mostly I picked up shopping carts being pushed around. There was a teenager carelessly throwing them as he pushed them inside. Also you can hear a person yell ouch. At the end if you listen closely you can hear a person talking over the intercom in the store.
My next recording is not as diverse as my previous but it is relaxing. I went to Caesars Park and got real close to the river and put my mics right up next to the water. Although you can only hear the water running it's a pretty good recording.
I was walking down Kane when I came across a manhole. I looked into it and saw there was a puddle at the bottom. I decided to stick my mics down the hole and spit at the same time. The loud pops you here are my spit landing in the puddle. The narrow walls of the manhole amplify the sound. Ask yourself, would you have guessed it was my spit? Also since the hole amplified the sounds, when I played it back I noticed sounds that I did not hear when I was recording. I was not wearing my headphones during recording so when I heard seagulls after playing it back I was very surprised. I was to busy spitting to notice any seagulls around but in my recording they sound as if they were right next to my mics.
For this recording I went under the North Bridge. I put my mics up in the air and pointed them at the bridge. The cars made some interesting sounds as they passed over the bridge. It was interesting to hear them from below. Also there is a open field next to the bridge. You can faintly hear a cricket chirping.
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